"Holly Hill is a friendly and welcoming school of which pupils, parents, carers and staff are justifiably proud", OFSTED 2018. This is a 'good' school.

Holly Hill Primary and Nursery School

Kingfishers, Year 4, 2022/23

New to Y5/6 Welcome Meeting Slides


A warm welcome to Year 4, Kingfisher Class. My name is Mrs Ward and I am your class teacher this year.

Working in the Year 4 and 4 Team are: Mrs Beavon, Mr Close and Mrs Ward (our wonderful teaching assistants.)

I look forward to us having a successful and happy year in Kingfisher class.

Important Information


Reading: This is so important both in school and at home. Our children need to be reading as much as they can, in order to read more fluently within lessons. We will have lots of opportunities to read in class - quiet reading of a book they enjoy, class reading together, a shared class novel and trips to the library.


P.E: This will be on a Monday afternoon. The children will be learning a variety of skills, so it is important they have their P.E kit to be able to join in.

Earrings will need to be removed, either in school or before they come to school.


Spellings: These will be given to your child weekly to practise. We will also practise these words within handwriting. They will be the statutory words for Years 3 and 4, plus words they will be using in their topic work. 


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
