"Holly Hill is a friendly and welcoming school of which pupils, parents, carers and staff are justifiably proud", OFSTED 2018. This is a 'good' school.

Holly Hill Primary and Nursery School

Year 1 and Year 2

Amazing Me! Children name their body parts including which body parts are associated with their senses. They look at the fact that humans are animals and as such have offspring which grow into adults. The children learn what humans need to survive and what they need to be healthy. They compare their bodies with each other and investigate comparisons between hand and foot size.

Materials. Children look at a range of materials and begin to look at properties of materials and look at objects which are made from more than one material. They learn about why some objects are made from different materials and the purpose and properties of these. Skills include grouping and classifying.

Plants. Key Stage 1 explore plant life. They learn to recognise some common garden plants and can name parts. They learn the terms ‘evergreen’ and ‘deciduous’ and know that seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. They have enjoyed testing what plants need to be strong and healthy.
