"This is a happy and thriving school. Pupils say that care and respect are the school’s most important values. They know these values are central to everyone following, ‘The Holly Hill Way’. Pupils demonstrate these values in their sensible behaviour and considerate manner", OFSTED 2023. This is a 'good' school.

Holly Hill Primary and Nursery School

Experiences and Opportunities at Holly Hill

Experiences and Opportunities at Holly Hill


At Holly Hill, we believe that your primary school years should be the time of your life. We believe that primary life should be busy and exciting and should encourage children to join in and embrace new experiences, preparing them for the opportunities provided in secondary education and beyond.


Our experiences and opportunities have developed over time to become more coherently planned out to ensure that all children can participate in a variety of rich experiences that enhance the curriculum, are inline with the school's intent statement and strengthen the school’s wider offer. This could be in the form of educational visits, workshops, residentials, after-school clubs or whole school events and celebrations.


We also really, really love a party!


We are extremely lucky to have a wonderfully supportive PTA, 'Friends of Holly Hill', who fundraise to ensure that many of our experiences and opportunities can be subsidised, reducing cost to parents.


We have a shared ethos with Friends of Holly Hill that we want for our Holly Hill children, exactly what we want for our own children. We want ALL children to have a wonderful Christmas, we want ALL children to get an Easter egg, we want ALL children to experience a jubilee party and whenever they are able to, they provide funding. 



Our Experiences and Opportunities


The fabulous poet Paul Cookson visited our school on our last Monday of the year. Wow what a fabulous experience!

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Paul and his ukulele 🎸

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Nottingham University and Year 2.


Year 2 have been really lucky and have had a visit in school from David, who works with the outreach group at Nottingham University. He has told us lots of information about universities and what they are. We have enjoyed finding out what subjects you can learn and other things you can do at university.

Nottingham University Visit 15.11.23


What an inspiration!

Today, Year 2 had the fantastic opportunity to visit the Nottingham University Campus and see what university life is like.

We met some university ambassadors who talked to us about being at university and the amazing experience it is. They told us about their courses and all the things a university has to offer. We all think it sounds brilliant.

We were then taken on a guided tour of some of the campus. We saw a lecture theatre where the learning takes place, study rooms, libraries and lots of busy students. We had chance to see many other buildings on campus and even went from one building to another in a tunnel!

We all feel very inspired and many of the children said they would like to go to study at university.

What a great day.



Dogs Trust Visit

We were very lucky to have Dogs Trust come and visit us in school. We had a whole school assembly followed by workshops for F2 and Years 3/4. We all learned super important rules about staying safe around dogs and how we can help to look after them.

On 4th October all the Year 1 children went to Sherwood Forest to learn about the legend of Robin Hood, explore the forest and even took part in den building.

In EYFS the zoo sent me... a dog! Rosie was perfect and we loved learning how to care for her!

Experiences and Opportunities, 2022-2023

07.06.23- Year 3/4 had a 2 day Roman experience

We had two lambs visit us at Nursery and we helped feed them with bottles of milk

10.5.23 F1 have been learning about different occupations and dressed up as what they would like to be!

3.5.23 EYFS have had a Wheels Day, learning about different transport and how they move.

27.04.23 UKS2 have started their ukulele units in Music this half term 🎶

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24th April 2023 - Key Stage 1 experienced an immersive Great Fire of London workshop

19.04.23 F1 pupils went on a sensory walk to explore and describe different textures.

30.03.23 Upper Key Stage 2 all had the opportunity to design and print with a 3D printer!

23.3.23 KS1 had an amazing day working with a local artist. clare Taylor of Bus and Bird Art spent the day in school and supported the children to create sculptures using natural materials. It was fantastic for the children to learn from a real artist.

21.3.23 F1 pupils planted beans to learn about growth and changes over time. Will they grow as tall as Jacks beanstalk?

17.3.23 Kingfisher Class took part in an event with the D.H.Lawrence museum and earned their Artsmark. They had a virtual tour of the museum and enjoyed creative activities in school.

14.03.23 We took part in Virtual British Science Week 2023 run by Adastral Park. They led a live Q&A on the theme of ‘Extended Reality’ with input from BT, industry experts and academics. We had some of our questions answered and loved learning about the possibilities of extended reality in our lives and future careers!

2.3.23 F1 pupils made edible caterpillars by threading food on to skewers

21.02.23 Poet Paul Cookson came and gave us the most enjoyable, engaging and inspiring workshop!

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10.02.23 The Young Voices choir performed and sang their hearts out at Sheffield Utilita Arena as part of the largest children’s choir in the world! We had a live band and professional singers including legend, Heather Small!

Don’t Worry @ Young Voices

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Violinist Anna Phoebe and The Beat Box Collective @ Young Voices

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Nile Rodger’s Disco Medley!

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1.2.23 F1 pupils learn how different vegetables grow and tasted them

10.01.23 Reverend Ken Johnson led a brilliant Islam Experience Workshop. Despite being a Christian himself, he showed us artrefa to, played music and taught us so much about understanding and respecting other faiths.

24.1.23 F1 pupils learnt all about the festival Chinese New Year and we tasted Chinese food

11.1.23 The Great Holly Hill Bake Off in F1

07.12.22 Every child in our school had the opportunity to take part in a Christingle Service thanks to the wonderful Vicar of St Helen’s church.

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25.11.23 F1 pupils made terrible creatures like the Gruffalo using clay and natural objects which they collected from Whisper’s Woodland

7.11.23 F1 pupils learnt about different occupations by role playing in the Holly Hospital

Our Perfectly Petrifying Pumpkin Parade

11.10.23 F1 pupils baked bread and followed the same instructions as the little red hen.

13.10.23 Upper Key Stage 2 visited Shakespeare’s hometown: Stratford-Upon-Avon! We loved spotting all of the Shakespeare references in the town and while admiring passing boats were even recruited to help open the locks!
