"Holly Hill is a friendly and welcoming school of which pupils, parents, carers and staff are justifiably proud", OFSTED 2018. This is a 'good' school.

Holly Hill Primary and Nursery School

Our Year 3 and 4 Scientists

Loving Life in Whisper's Wood.

Hunting for Minibeasts.

Observing and then sorting and grouping using set criteria.

Changing Materials

Investigating Evaporation and melting.

Exploring Sound and Vibrations - using a tuning fork.


Years 3 and 4s learned that vibrations were transferred to the string and that the sound waves became vibrations inside the second cup transferring the sound of their partner's  voice.

Exploring Sound and Sound Travel with the Boomwhackers...

and by the looks of it having lots of fun.

Materials - Melting Chocolate

Developing skills in predicting, testing, measuring, recording results and concluding. 
