Living Things and their Habitat.
As part of their work on living things the children collect plant specimens from their environment. The children make careful observations of these, looking for specific features to aide sorting. They then use their knowledge and observations to categorise and group the samples.
Testing out the theory of Galileo Galilei…. that no matter what size ball you drop they will end up falling and landing together. The children explore their own predictions before trying out the practical activity.
Properties and Changes of Materials
M.A.D Museum
Year 5 and 6 visited the MAD Museum this week in Stratford upon Avon. This great museum offered some hands on activity relating to many areas that the children study in Key Stage 2 including Forces and Light. The children loved every minute spent in the museum.
To reinforce learning about Reflection Year 5 explore periscopes as part of their learning about Light.
Light and Shadows
Investigating the shapes of shadows and the objects which cast them.
Electricity and Circuits
Investigating Circuits
History: Making the brightest light for an Anderson Shelter
Making the loudest buzzer for an Air Raid Siren
Science: Testing components in circuits. Hypothesising, planning, observing, changing variables, recording, drawing conclusions.
Day and Night
The children used their newly acquired learning about Day and Night. They used practical apparatus to demonstrate the concepts. They then gave group presentations explaining what they had found out.
Presenting the Findings
Year 5 and 6 explore Light. Light Travels in Straight Lines! True or False? Prove it!
Light and Shadows
Why do shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them? Hypothesising, Observing, Proving and Explaining.
Exploring Gravity and Air Resistance. Designing and Making Parachutes. Testing material, shape and size for the best parachute.
Seasonal Change
A firm favourite in lower school where Foundation and Key Stage 1 explore the changing of the seasons. Here Year 5 and 6 explore the changing seasons and a change in weather conditions. Everyone loves a run in the snow!…. And why not. 🌨️🌨️🌨️☃️☃️☃️