"Holly Hill is a friendly and welcoming school of which pupils, parents, carers and staff are justifiably proud", OFSTED 2018. This is a 'good' school.

Holly Hill Primary and Nursery School

Summer 2

Hope you all had a lovely half-term break! Please see our new knowledge organiser for this half term. We will be starting our new topic called 'Double double toil and trouble'. We are going to be studying Shakespeare and focusing primarily on one of his plays: Macbeth. We will be starting our new topics alongside this to include Computing, in which we will be looking at programming a game related to Macbeth. We are also going to build on our learning from the last lesson of our Geography topic from last half-term about deforestation by looking at natural resources and renewable sources of energy. In science we are going to focus on investigation skills - learning how to think and perform like a scientist.

Weekly Updates

The children have done really well with their cricket this half term and were able to play some great games last week.


The children have completed a maths project analysing data from sports day and completing line graphs to interpret and answer some questions. Our work is now on display in the school corridor for all to see!  (Photo to follow).


We continued our study of Macbeth by looking at some script writing. We worked in groups to produce our own version of Act 3 where Macbeth orders 2 murderers to ambush Banquo and his son on the way to his coronation feast, but Banquo is then haunted by Banquo's ghost. The groups then had a chance to perform their plays for the class. (Videos to follow).


In French, the children have been learning about foods and have produced their own menu to use in our role play cafe. Their pronunciation is coming along great! (Videos to follow).


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Year 5 had a fantastic time on our residential trip to Hathersage. For photos see our own residential page on our class page and for more photos see the school residentials page.


We continued our study to produce a newspaper article following the death of King Duncan. (Photos to follow).


Sports day was a great success - so proud of all of Kestrel class for taking part! Unfortunately I was too busy cheering them all on to get any photos of the races but took some of them relaxing afterwards.  (Photos to follow).


In English we have looked more deeply at Macbeth. We have written a narrative of how Macbeth murdered King Duncan, using speech to convey Macbeth's inner thoughts. (Photos to follow).


In geography we have been looking at natural resources and energy sources, comparing non-renewable and renewable sources and the effects on the environment.


In science this term we have been using our skills as scientists whilst doing some fun chemistry experiments. We looked at making predictions on what would happen to molecules in milk when soap was added. We observed the movement of the molecules by adding food colouring. (Images to follow).


We have spent our computer lessons so far this half term starting to develop our own game. They have so far used selection and infinite loops to programme their opening scene and the gaming action. Next they will develop their games further (already attempted in this game) to include variables of score, timer and lives.

Scratch game pupil example (not completed yet).mp4

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We have continued our study of Shakespeare by looking at the Henry V play. We created some freeze frame scenes to represent the different parts of the story and then practised reciting King Henry's battle speech following the Royal Shakespeare Company's directions and actions.

Henry V speech 1.mp4

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Henry V speech 2.mp4

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In PE we have started our new unit looking at skills in cricket. The children practised their blocking skills for fielding to stop the ball rolling past them and for quick retrieval and return.


In Jigsaw we have started our new piece by looking at self-image and how the way we see ourself can affect our self-esteem and how this is impacted by what we see in the media of what the ‘perfect image’ is. We discussed how this ‘perfect image’ is often fake (either created by make-up or camera angle, or the photos are airbrushed to remove imperfections) and showed some example boxer and after photos. We ended by looking at ways to find positives in our negative self-perceptions to boost our self-esteem and no longer see it as a flaw.


We then looked at Romeo and Juliet and had some fun creating Shakespearean insults in the style that the Montagues and Capulets would have used and practised shouting them across the room at each other. We then looked at the style of writing and the language that Shakespeare used when narrating the story plot and interpreted what the phrasing meant.

shakespearean insults clip.mp4

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In English we have started looking at William Shakespeare and having a brief introduction to some of his plays. The children have produced a biographical paragraph about Shakespeare’s life and work.


In computing we have started to look at designing a game and the coding that is involved. We have so far designed our opening scene. Using selection the player will be able to chose to play our game or be directed to the pre-programmed game. Over the next few weeks we will be building the coding to create a game themed around Macbeth and the witches (or magic), which will include creating infinite loops to make items continually fall from the top of the screen. The children will also need to think about how the game will keep score and manage player lives using variables.
