"Holly Hill is a friendly and welcoming school of which pupils, parents, carers and staff are justifiably proud", OFSTED 2018. This is a 'good' school.

Holly Hill Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to our school - it's a very special place to be!


If this is your first visit to our school, I hope our website gives you a flavour of what our school is all about.  If you are visiting as an existing member of our school community, I hope that what you see here reflects what is happening in our fabulous school every day of the year!


Holly Hill is a truly special school and I feel lucky every day that I get to be the Headteacher here. 


Our staff are dedicated to ensuring that all children feel happy and safe and we go the extra mile to make sure that every child has a fabulous day, every day. We are committed to providing an ambitious and meaningful educational experience for all children. We have designed a curriculum that is exciting and engaging and encourages all children to love learning. We aim to widen the experiences and opportunities available to every child both inside and outside of the classroom. 


Our children are encouraged to care and be respectful at all times - that is 'the Holly Hill way' of doing things. They wear their uniforms with pride and aim every day to be a Holly Hill hero by always trying their very best with everything that they do. Our children are encouraged to laugh and be happy, care and be respectful, work hard, aim high and to be proud of themselves.   


Our parents are so important to us and we always make time to talk and listen to any concerns. We understand that our parents need to feel confident and comfortable when their children are in our care so we value our relationships with parents greatly. As a result we have a supportive parent community who know that we always have their child's best interest at heart. 


Our children, our staff and our community are extra special and together, they make Holly Hill a very special place to be. "Love lives here" is our school motto and we know that you feel will that as soon as you walk through our doors. 


Mrs. Leanne Steed, Headteacher
