"Holly Hill is a friendly and welcoming school of which pupils, parents, carers and staff are justifiably proud", OFSTED 2018. This is a 'good' school.

Holly Hill Primary and Nursery School

Autumn 1

This half term we will be learning about...

Clockwork Knowledge Organsier


The last day of this half term and we spent the morning finishing our class text The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Falcon class loved how the story gradually revealed itself and that by the end everything had fallen into place. It added an extra layer of wonder to know that this book was inspired by the life and work of real-life magician and filmmaker, Georges Méliès. 

To separate fact from fiction and find out more about this amazing father of cinema, follow the link below. 



Did you know Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon? We started exploring his hometown by looking at the Shakespeare monument and several statues of his most famous characters.

We then walked by the river and timed it just right to see a boat heading through the lock. The lock-keeper explained to us how this helped boats travel uphill and even let us have a go at closing the lock!

We all enjoyed posing with Shakespeare and shaking his hand for good luck!

Lunch was spent listening to music and enjoying Bancroft Gardens.

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After lunch we headed to our main destination: The M.A.D. Museum. The automata on display were amazing and we had such a fantastic time exploring them all!

Investigating gears...

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Which way will it go?

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More automata

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Even more automata!

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He will not let this maze beat him!

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11.10.22 In English we were inspired by our class text, to write an interview with the character (and real-life filmmaker) George’s Melies. We needed to use retrieval and inference from the text to add detail to his answers.

10.10.22 In Jigsaw PSHE we were challenged to line up in alphabetical order without speaking. This helped us to consider what other types of communication we could use.

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07.10.22 In English (on the non-uniform day) we looked at written dialogue. To get used to the conventions, we performed a scene between four characters, using the punctuation and layout to know when to switch speaker.

05.10.22 After the Reading and Phonics workshop, parents were able to come and look at our classroom and the work we have done so far. It was really wonderful seeing the PRIDE that Falcon pupils had in showing their work.

04.10.22 After learning about factors and multiples in Maths, we played Factor and Multiple Twister!! The Falcons were fabulous at giving instructions e.g. ‘left hand on a factor of 24’

02.10.22 Our student councillors held a meeting with the class to discuss fundraising ideas. The councillors did an amazing job at controlling the debate and making sure everyone’s ideas were considered fairly.

30.09.22 In Computing we developed our use of the repeat command in Scratch to create nested shapes and repeated patterns.

29.09.22 We found using cubes and arrays in Maths really helpful when working out common factors between two numbers. This is definitely something we would like to keep practising!

28.09.22 In SPAG we enjoyed singing and dancing along to the parenthesis song. 🎸

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26.09.22 In Computing we made algorithms more efficient by introducing the ‘repeat’ and ‘forever’ blocks in Scratch.

22.09.22 In DT we discussed different types of automata and began sketching out our initial ideas for an automaton of our own.

20.09.22 In commuting, we have started our unit by looking at the importance of ‘sequencing’ when creating a computer algorithm. We considered how to sequence the steps in this algorithm so that the. Toy shop owner from ‘Hugo’ would introduce us to his shop.

16.09.22 This week’s Falcon Hero is Jimmy! His writing has improved so drastically 🥰

15.09.22 In Maths, we went over the rules for ‘rounding’ by joining in with the song ‘We Will Round You’ 🎸🤓

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13.09.22 In English we had some excellent discussions about which vocabulary choices would best for Hugo’s monologue. We didn’t always agree, but we did explain our decisions!

12.09.22 In R.E. today we looked at why Christians believe the bible is a source of wisdom and looked at what ‘wisdom’ it had to offer on the topic of love.

09.09.22 we began the day with a zoom assembly from Resus Rangers, telling us about first aid around the world. We were joined virtually by approximately 6000 other children!

08.09.22 Our first D.T. Lesson saw us making examples of CAM mechanisms. The cam moves in a rotary motion, so that the follower moves in a linear motion.

07.09.22 Today in Science we carried out an experiment to prove that light travels in straight lines.

06.09.22 Today we began our first lesson using the novel ‘The Invention Of Hugo Cabret’. The opening illustrations really sparked our imaginations and led us to wonder...


Today was a brilliant first day back! The new Falcons quickly got settled in and I loved our class discussion that covered everything from our hopes for the year, how to follow the ‘Holly Hill Way’ and whether eels have teeth! I think we are all agreed though, that the first day back was tiring, so early nights all round ready to tackle new learning challenges tomorrow! 

First Day Ready!

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Autumn 1 spellings
